An attempt to log my experiences and impressions of America this summer. Travelling through California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and Nevada on a modest student budget.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Looking for America

First, let it be said that America is a great country, in every sense of the word. However, the fist thing that strikes me are the enormous contrasts. The obvious rich/poor and black/white but also the sane/insane. i have tried to capture some of these in my photos (still to upload any....various reasons)

This is a country that recruits its 'reserve'* army on TV with adverts saying they will pay off your student debt and if you 'call today...receive a free sports watch and DVD'.
(*Reserve is a euphemism for...when we are really fucked, you're getting called up)

A free sports watch and DVD. No lies. is that the stingy price they are only willing to bribe the soon-to-be-dying for America with. So we start with a military that really has no concept of human worth....

then there are the REALLY mad people....

I have seen more 'mad' people in the states in the last week than i have in a life time in England. (see You can have my money blog) they walk along the street mumbling and talking to themselves. yet all that separates them from the rich and sane is a small silver gadget which plugs bluetooth into their heads. this handsfree kit is the social signal needed to grant you permission to wander down the street talking to yourself and getting no funny looks. you can even have an argument. if, however, you don't have one...then you are mad. who's to say that the people with the headsets are even using them anyway....? i think they are just mad people who have clocked on to what everyone else is doing. maybe we are all just talking to ourselves and the audience is a figment of our imagination. ok that's enough mushrooms for now i think.


Blogger Laura said...

Where is the "you can have my money" blog?

1:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

6:35 PM


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